5 Restaurants That Need To Come To Tuscaloosa In 2019
As if we didn't eat enough this Holiday Season, I found myself craving MORE last night, as I plopped myself in my lazy-boy recliner. Then, I said to myself, "Tuscaloosa is home to many fine restaurants, but we still need MORE." So, I started thinking, "What Other Restaruants Do We Need To Come here?"
That is how I came up with THIS list of: 5 Restaurants That Need To Come To Tuscaloosa In 2019.
5) Quincy's: At one time we had TWO in the area. Then, they vanished. The story I was told is that the guy that used to own them, sold the franchise, and wound up buying The Carolina Panthers. Bad Move. I'm not a fan of that team, but I used to be a HUGE FAN of Quincy's Buttered Yeast Rolls! I remember ordering the SAME thing EVERY time, A Large Grilled Chicken Breast (Which was actually two regular grilled chicken breasts, Broccoli & Cheese, Brown Rice, & of course, MORE Rolls!) And not only was the food GREAT, the prices were a BARGAIN! Check out this 1994 Quincy's TV Spot for proof!
4) Denny's: Another franchise that used to be in Tuscaloosa, but isn't here any longer. Who can forget their Grand Slam Breakfast, or The Moons Over My Hammy, or The Grand Slamwich, (which contains 96 Grams Of Fat and 1400 Calories), but who cares? It is GOOD! And now they even offer DELIVERY! Problem is, I don't think they would deliver from Birmingham to my house, because the closest Denny's is 54 miles away! This is why we need one in Tuscaloosa! For more info visit Denny's website HERE
3) Steak 'n Shake: Originally, Steak 'n Shake was scheduled to open in the Summer of 2017, then it was pushed back to open sometime this past Summer. However, due to health issues of the owner, construction has come to a halt. Therefore, we still don't have a Steak 'n Shake. So until then, I'll continue to make the 45 Minute drive up to Hoover twice a month, to get my Steak 'n Shake FIX! To remind yourself what we're missing, visit the Steak 'n Shake website HERE
2) Golden Corral: Another restaurant that his been rumored to come to Tuscaloosa but still isn't here. Like Steak N' Shake, I make the 45 minute drive to Hoover to eat there, whenever I get the craving for their DELICIOUS buffet! Their MEATLOAF in particular is AMAZING! They just need to HURRY up and GET her already! Checkout their website and let your mouth water HERE
And Drum Roll Please.......NUMBER 1!
Of Course! Tuscaloosa NEEDS A Long John Silver's! As you may know, I have been on a personal CRUSADE to bring a Long John Silver’s back to Tuscaloosa. (You can read an entire backstory how that came to be HERE) We have not had a Long John Silver's in Tuscaloosa for 5 years now! That is WAY TOO LONG! The closest one is 150 miles away in Anniston! That is WAY TOO FAR! Currently, there are THREE Captain D’s locations in the Tuscaloosa/Northport area, and ZERO Long John Silver’s franchises. I find this completely UNACCEPTABLE! With all the new restaurants that are planning on coming to Tuscaloosa in the near future, WHY isn’t Long John Silver’s part of the discussion? It needs to be here in 2019! Visit Long John Silver's Website HERE
So there you have it! 5 Restaurants That Need To Come To Tuscaloosa In 2019. Any one of the restaurants named would make fine additions to our fair city. Let's hope that a few of them can get here in the coming year!
Bon Appetite!