What’s Up at Shark’s on Skyland? We Found Out!
Like much of the Skyland area community, the radio stations next door to Shark’s are going through lemon pepper withdrawals! We’ve been without them for a few weeks now, and it seems it could be a few more! You want to know what’s going on? Keep reading.
You know, being right next door, we’re like neighbors. We see their ins and outs, and they see ours. When our lot is full, sometimes our company parks in their spaces… You know, real neighborly stuff.
We go over to dine with them, even though they aren’t very neighborly when it comes to cherishing the relationship we have with them. They still charge us full price; but the small talk between the time we order and pick up at the window is priceless.
So, when “our neighbors” weren’t there one day, there was a slight sense of alarm. But there was soon a bit of relief when we learned they’d be resurfacing their lot.
But still, the next few days, we saw no “Open” light.
Eventually, we saw construction workers walking in and out. Did we say anything to them? We’re in communications! Of course we did!
Turns out, there have been some modifications made inside as well.
But the parking lot is still taped off, and nobody is going in or out now. So, we did what any other nosy neighbor would do: Called another location to find out what’s going on.
What we’ve found out is that the Shark’s on Skyland is getting a whole new staff. Kinda sucks too. You know when you develop a rapport with your neighbors, you don’t really want to see anybody new in “their home.” Never the less, we’re going to have new people to learn our regular orders. Here’s to hoping they’re as kind as the ones we’ve grown to know. And if you know of someone who is THE TRUTH at deep frying everything, tell them to put in an application at the Shark’s on Hackberry Ln.