A naked man was observed strolling down Highway 11 in Cottondale and casually chatting with a Tuscaloosa Police Officer on Sunday Afternoon, (11/11).

The man, who at press time remained unidentified, sparked double-takes by several eye witnesses, stopped traffic, and made those who observed his nakedness to ask themselves, "What the hell is this guy thinking?!"

I mean, WHY would this guy be NEKKID in the middle of the day? Did he lose a bet? Was his washer and dryer broken? Was he romancing his girlfriend only to have his wife come home early? Inquiring minds want to know!

Plus, it was COLD. And cold temperatures can cause SHRINKAGE!

An unidentified motorist posted the above picture on Facebook. Please study the photo carefully. The man appears to be Caucasian, in his mid 30's, has brown hair, weighs around 215 lbs. and stands about 5'11". We wish could give you a more accurate description, but fortunately, all we can see is his BUTT.

There might be a plausible reasonable explanation for all this.....but we highly doubt it.


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