A driving seminar for teens designed to help them drive safer, will be taking place this Tuesday, (7/31).

The event will be held at the Benjamin Barnes YMCA, located at 2939 18th Street. The seminar officially titled as The Teen Safe Driving Symposium will be discussing safe techniques that attendees will be able to readily incorporate and employ in their own daily driving habits.

The event starts at 5 p.m. and is scheduled to run about an hour. The Teen Safe Driving Symposium is being sponsored the Fair Housing Agency of Alabama in partnership with the Geico Foundation. Organizers say that the seminar will include tips on how teens can change risky driving behaviors into responsible driving habits. Their goal is to increase teen driving awareness, and help them lower their chances of being involved in an accident.


In addition to teenagers, parents are also being invited to the event.

For further information, call 251-660-7733.


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