Thief Steals a Trailer Full of Ramen!
Talk about being starved for food!
In Fayette County, Georgia, a truck full of goods stopped at a gas station. While the driver was away, an unidentified individual stole the truck! According to Huffington Post, when the police interviewed the driver of the truck, they revealed what was actually stolen. Over 98,000 dollars of ramen! That's right, a truck load of food was stolen in plain sight!
The trailer was secured as well, so officers are unsure how someone stole the ramen. Officers have made no arrests in the case, as details are still scarce at this point. My main question is this: How did no one, especially the driver, notice the trailer being stolen? And second, shouldn't the trailer be easy to find?
It's not like seeing a trailer parked randomly in a neighborhood is a regular occurrence!